all postcodes in L8 / LIVERPOOL

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L8 7BA 23 53.397772 -2.95188
L8 7BB 0 53.39884 -2.957694
L8 7BD 0 53.39846 -2.957911
L8 7BE 0 53.398887 -2.958567
L8 7GA 0 53.397938 -2.964652
L8 7JU 1 53.3982 -2.95225
L8 7JX 0 53.400408 -2.958331
L8 7JY 0 53.396426 -2.963806
L8 7JZ 1 53.399976 -2.967285
L8 7LA 0 53.395796 -2.970559
L8 7LB 1 53.396374 -2.966918
L8 7LD 0 53.396984 -2.962645
L8 7LF 3 53.395563 -2.969396
L8 7LG 0 53.396218 -2.96517
L8 7LH 0 53.396131 -2.97016
L8 7LL 0 53.396552 -2.962756
L8 7LN 0 53.397042 -2.969775
L8 7LP 0 53.396541 -2.970757
L8 7LQ 0 53.396093 -2.966084
L8 7LR 0 53.396856 -2.968463